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How to Create A Listing on Amazon FBA

Nojus Latvinskas

Posted by Nojus Latvinskas

May 16, 2023

How to Create A Listing on Amazon FBA that sells and converts those hungry buyers?

High Quality, Enticing Product Images - If you want to convince the customers that they need your product, it is crucial to use high-quality, striking images that speak to buyers' needs and desires.

The structure we like to use when building out new listings: 1 clear white background image 2-3 beautiful lifestyle shots 2-3 informative infographics that explain the benefits of the product.

A Compelling Product Title - When crafting a new listing, the title is the most important field for SEO ranking and keyword indexing.

This is an extremely important element for Amazon's A9 algorithm to determine which keywords to show your listing for and understand the context of the product.

You should try to depict what your product does while utilizing a maximum allowed 200 characters (weaving in relevant, high SV keywords across the title).

Convincing, Persuasive Bullet Points - When writing out bulletpoints, you need to focus on the customers' pain points and scream your USP or what makes your product stand out from the competitors.

This is the place to state important details about your product, and include the main benefits while zooming in on your unique selling point.

Also, do not forget that you have around 5 bulletpoints that you can fill up to 500 characters - a great opportunity to pick on some additional keywords that are relevant to your niche inside these fields.

SEO Management If you've decided that you want to rank for certain keywords that you found are important for your product, you need to build out a listing in a specific way.

Prioritizing keywords in areas that have the most SEO power and impact on your rankings.

Starting from the title, then moving down to other elements based on the hierarchy:

Title > Bulletpoints > Backend > Product Description

Positive Reviews - Make sure to maintain a high star rating so the customer can sense that it is a great product. Simple as that.

An Accurate Product Information - Using incorrect or deceiving product information will hurt the trust of your loyal customers.

That is why you need to include the correct details about the product.

For example, if you are selling a protein bar that contains 12g of sugars - make sure to clearly declare that in your bulletpoints.

Avoid making false or inappropriate product claims that make your brand lose its face.

Optimized Backend Search Terms - Keywords that you did not fit in your title or bulletpoints should be included in non-visible areas of your listing, but those that are essential for the machine to recognize your product.