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How To Properly Use Broad Keywords in Amazon Advertising

Nojus Latvinskas

Posted by Nojus Latvinskas

June 7, 2023

In the world of Amazon PPC, keyword selection can make or break your advertising strategy, especially when it comes to broad match keywords.

Many sellers find single, broad keywords like "rope" in their Search Term Report (STR) and quickly funnel them into exact match campaigns, assuming this will boost visibility and sales.

However, while this may seem intuitive, it often leads to inefficient spending and underwhelming performance due to the generic nature of single-word keywords.

In the world of Amazon PPC, keyword selection can make or break your advertising strategy, especially when it comes to broad match keywords.

Many sellers find single, broad keywords like "rope" in their Search Term Report (STR) and quickly funnel them into exact match campaigns, assuming this will boost visibility and sales.

However, while this may seem intuitive, it often leads to inefficient spending and underwhelming performance due to the generic nature of single-word keywords.

Let's iamgine that you find the keyword "rope" inside your search term report after doing thet ypical analysis and pulling out search terms from broad, phrase, or auto campaigns.

What a lot of Amazon sellers usualy do is create a separate exact campaign, targeting that exact keyword.

However, this is not an effective or helpful practice for your product rank as broad keywords are very generic and have little buying intent.

Not to mention that you hurt the metrics that are important for ranking such as CTR, and CVR because the customer might have expected something else than what your product offers.

Instead, we would suggest to create a fresh road campaign using the keyword that you discovered from the broad campaign in tbe search term report - "rope".

The purpose of this strategy is to discover more long-tail keywords that you can then move into their own, separate campaigns.

You will slowly start to notice different search terms popping up inside the campaign such as "2ft rope", and "blue 2ft rope" which you can take and target in exact match campaigns.

This will help you increase the CTR and rank higher on Amazon without having to bid more on a particular keyword.